As a prior owner/operator of a small design firm, my main focus has always been providing excellent customer service. With a “can do” and “will do” attitude, I built a diverse client base that had continuously increasing needs, which in turn, kept me extremely busy. At this time, an accountant was
Published by Jurispage | May 2014 by Andrew Cabasso First up in our attorney-tested law firm timekeeping and billing software comparison series is Bill4Time. Bill4Time helps attorneys keep time on their matters and bill clients. Bill4Time is cloud-based, allowing you to easily take a free trial, try out their software,
Android Update 2.0 Now Available!
Category: Blog
Just following the recent iPhone update, the new Bill4Time Mobile Android update is now available. Compatible with the latest devices and updated with a fresh “off the showroom floor” look, the new Bill4Time Mobile Android app now offers full 2-way syncing with the cloud. Time & expense entries done outside
Summary Bill4Time is a time tracking and invoicing software product that works well for a variety of professional services, such as lawyers, and accountants. It has quality mobile friendly apps that make tracking time on the fly easy, and it has easy to use features for scheduling tasks and gives
Heartbleed Bug Update: No Risk
Category: News
You now may have heard about the HeartBleed Bug. This is a serious vulnerability to internet security and only affects systems protected by OpenSSL. The bug allows attackers into the memory of the systems protected that include but are not limited to: Emails Instant messages User name and passwords Your sensitive
You don’t have to be tied to a single device that has your software on it. All you need is a web connection to access the cloud. From set up to security, and a few in-between, we acknowledge 4 advantages of cloud based time billing with Bill4Time that you may or