We love to hear your suggestions. After all, we’re in the business of making your life easier. So what’s next from Bill4Time? Here’s a new feature to make your billing experience just a little bit smoother: When it comes to invoicing a flat fee project, often the time entries are solely
Your time is valuable. And here at Bill4Time, we know a thing or two about the importance of time management. We’ve got an update that is going to save you a significant amount of time. Time and time again. Before you’re ready to send your invoices out, you typically review
Top 4 FAQs
Category: Blog
Our customer support team is dedicated to providing quick and friendly assistance to Bill4Time users. For every issue, from the nuisances to the panic attacks, they cheerfully fix our problems and send us on our way. For once, it’s time that we help out our customer support team! To make
Going Green for the New Year
Category: Blog, Small Business, What's New
Have you started on your New Year’s Resolution yet? If you’re like me, your resolution is going to require months of dedication and perseverance. But that gratification is months away! Even if that’s not the case, we’ve got a simple New Year’s Resolution that you can feel good about today:
‘Tis the Season for New Features!
Category: Blog
It’s that time of year again, and Bill4Time is spreading the holiday cheer with a wave of new features! Personalized login pages. Logging in just got a little bit easier, and a little bit classier. Save a few clicks by using our handy new shortcut. Just type (your firm ID).bill4time.com
Category: Testimonials
Learn what our clients have to say about Bill4Time! “I capture more time and can present detailed descriptions of that time for billing purposes.” —Keith Turner, Turner Law Firm“My motto is: “Be brief, be bright, be gone.” Bill4Time allows my team to work that way with our clients!