System Update – Billable Rates per Activity Type
Category: Accounting, Blog, Legal, Small Business, What's New
It’s finally here: billable rates per activity! Now you can assign a specific rate per activity and make your time tracking software experience even faster. This will override your default rate so the rate per activity will automatically be applied. To get started with your billable rates per activity, just
Invoicing Software Updates
Category: Accounting, Blog, Legal, Small Business, What's New
So much has been happening since the release of our new version in November: a lot more features and updates! We’re pretty excited about them. We invite you to try them out and see how it makes your time and billing tasks easier. Here are two more additional features to
New Feature: Project-Level Accounting
Category: Accounting, Blog, News, What's New
We’re pleased to announce our latest accounting feature to our time billing software: project-level accounting. This is to complement the accounting on the client level. Accounting Organized Per Project Now, on the project level, you go to the project’s details page and then click on the Accounting tab. There you
Learning the February Updates
Category: Blog, What's New
In February there were a lot of new features introduced into the system. Here are some screencasts to help you make the most of them. Summary Invoices (Link) Writing Up or Down an Invoice (Link) For more Bill4Time training videos, you can subscribe to the Bill4Time Training Series video podcast
New Feature: Project Due Dates
Category: Blog
Project due dates enables you to set a specific date for a project to be done. What does it do? It helps you keep on schedule. This is particularly useful when you have multiple projects with different due dates. With its accompanying dashboard widget, you can see at a single
February System Update
Category: Blog, What's New
Bill4Time has released the latest updates and changes to the Bill4Time time tracking system. In addition to fixes and improvements, here are some noteworthy additions. New Dashboard Widget: The Time Entry Grid Now you can quickly enter time entries right from the dashboard. Once you choose the client, project and