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Document Management

Safe, accessible document storage anytime, anywhere.

Safely Access Files from Anywhere

Access your data whenever and wherever you are.

Proper document management sets the stage for outstanding legal work. Your document storage system provides your team with the data, access and controls needed to grow your firm. Be able to search and find essential documents for clients in an efficient manner or risk spending time recreating lost documents, due to poor retention.

Bill4Time’s new document management feature set is designed to remove any document retention friction or challenges, keep your client files organized and easily searchable, and provide your firm with both a high level and granular level of customizable flexibility.

Unlimited uploads, unlimited document storage
We expect you to fully utilize these brand new document features without restriction. Firms will be allowed both unlimited uploads and unlimited storage. With unlimited storage, mid and large firms alike will be able to organize extensive swaths of client and matter files across the entire firm. No longer concern your firm with managing the removal of docs, in perpetuity.

Firm level context
Create a reliable, centralized repository for all of your firm level documents. Organize your key, operations, marketing, administrative, and resource documents for easy access across the firm. Upload standardized documents to a firm wide folder or subfolder and reduce time wasted by employees searching for firm level files.

Granular Client and Matter File Management
Take control of your file management with the ability to upload and download client files to specific folders at various levels of the file tree. Rename individual files to fit your firm’s naming conventions. Duplicate files for easy re-use before moving the file into the correct folder context

Customize and Easily Move Folders
Whether you already have an established set of standards for organizing client files or are starting a new organization structure from scratch, customizable and nested folder creation allows you to organize yours and your client’s files in way that makes sense to your and your colleagues. Utilize the foundational, default structure or implement a customized set of conventions.

Navigate over to the new documents tab, and by default, start with folders for each client and each project. We’ve created a layer of flexibility, not in place of, but in addition to the default structure.

Easily create new custom folders and sub-folders, name them, and nest them within any of the existing folders. Create sub-folders within each client folder for Correspondences, Notes, Pleadings, Retainers, Billing and Expense documents.

Powerful Search
It’s difficult to remember the exact name of a file names, but now searching for a file is more effective. Save your attorneys and paralegals time with fuzzy search features. They will find their files with only half a phrase, or even half a word, creating a heightened level of navigation.

Box Integration

Box Integration.
Easily connect your Box account directly to your Bill4Time account. The seamless integration syncs directly with your Box file structure.

NetDocuments Integration.
Easily connect your NetDocuments account directly to your Bill4Time account. The seamless integration syncs directly with your file structure.

See for yourself. Try Bill4Time FREE for 14-days.

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What our customers are saying

“Clean, easy to use billing software”

Its a billing program and is extremely effective at billing. I find no "cons" when comparing to other billing programs I've looked at.

Jason H.
Partner,Law Practice

“Was stuck in a rut depending on a billing clerk .. now capture time anywhere all the time!!”

Control over my time and eases the "task" of invoicing clients for work produced for them. What's not to like ... converting from Timeslips to Bill4Time literally saved my practice and my homelife!!

Leslie B.
President,Law Practice

“Easy to use, essential tool”

Our company counts on B4T for its time keeping and billing. If we would not have a tool like this, we would miss out on a lot of time not invoiced, or expenses not rebilled.

Carin Z.
Director,Law Services